44: Think Happy with Kaitlin Cuevas
Welcome to the Lose Your Cravings Podcast...Taking a different approach to your struggle with food, weight, and body obsession with your host, Keysa Amaro Certified Integrative Health Coach.
Today we are talking about “Choosing Happiness” with Kaitlin Cuevas, Kaitlin is the owner and founder of Think Happy, Co. She's a lover of french roast coffee, Goldendoodles, and pump-up music! She believes happiness is something we each create for ourselves and that YOU are in the driver’s seat of your own life. Outside of work, she's a mom to Eleanor, wife to Oakley, and dog-mom to Guppy.
Follow Kaitlin on Instagram @thinkhappy_co
Check out her website: thinkhappyco.com
For a deeper dive into building a healthy relationship with food and body confidence join Keysa in her Lose Your Cravings Community
Get my FREE Cravings Guide: keysaamaro.com